Grenfell Inquiry Report – Our Response


We have taken time to digest the Grenfell Inquiry’s final report that was released yesterday. 

Firstly, and most importantly, our thoughts are with those who died, the bereaved and the survivors of the tragedy. 

We have previously called for an acceleration of works on unsafe buildings and today we amplify that call as millions of people are still living in dangerous homes. 

According to the latest government statistics released in July 2024*, of the 4,630 buildings identified with unsafe cladding only (29%) have completed remediation works.

This is simply not enough. 

The release of the long awaited phase 2 report of the inquiry into Grenfell must mark the start of a clear acceleration of further change within the industry.

According to the report, more should be done. Wide ranging recommendations will be the subject of debate between the government and the industry in the coming weeks and months.

We support all of the recommendations and are fully committed to our role as a contractor in these processes.

We applaud the Prime Minister’s response, which included speeding up of works, and now is the time for action. 

In the coming weeks we will explore more of the underlying issues that need to be urgently addressed but, for now, we pay tribute to those lost and those still living with the memories of a tragic event that should never have happened.

*Source data.